Knowledge Base

How do I import/export data to/from Outlook?


Envision allows you to export your member directory to Outlook or other contact manager (such as Palm Desktop) by way of a tab delimited (or tab separated) text file.  This data transfer is currently one-way.  You cannot import data from an external program into Envision.  This will be included in a future version.

To export to a text file, look under the File menu and click "Export Directory".  Specify the name of the output file to create, and click Save.

Beginning with Envision v1.4, the program asks you whether you're going to use the information for exporting to Outlook.  If you answer yes, some fields are excluded.  This is because Outlook will not import from a text file that has fields it does not use, such as the parents' names.  Answer no if you want the expanded output, including information such as school, grade, team, etc.  You can use the expanded output in other applications besides Outlook.

The expanded output format (the one that's not for Outlook) also contains a field titled Barcode ID.  The number that shows up here for each member could be used in another program to produce printed media with barcodes, similar to the new option on Envision's Roll Sheet.  These barcodes could then be used to take attendance on the Service Info page using your own barcode scanning hardware.



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